
Your Donation Will Help Now

(PayPal accepts Credit Cards even if you don’t have an account!)

When you choose to give your Gift, you become an important partner in our mission. To provide Educational Resources to those undergoing a Life Altering Medical Intervention, as part of our pilot program,

Donors like you are making it possible for our online support services to be realized. Thanks to your support, We have answered over 20,000 inquiries from Nephrostomy patients and their supporters, just trying to figure out “life”. Our reach is expanding, averaging 400 people/month. We are heading in the right direction, but need your support!

  • Tell your friends
  • Post our website link to your Social Media
  • Email us for a downloadable flyer to print 10 copies, and take to your next tube exchange so the nurses can hand them to other nephrostomy people.

And of course, all monetary Gifts are 100% tax deductible.

Your continued support is an expression of hope and promise for the future, for people dealing with Life Altering Medical Interventions. Please consider our cause, when you choose to donate.

For a more detailed look at what your Gift does,

visit our Quality Life Solutions nonprofit page

Bernie Schulman, Pres
Quality Life Solutions, Inc.

(PayPal accepts Credit Cards even if you don’t have an account!)